Historic Ships

In the past, students were trained on board a fleet of vessels of different types and purposes.

The flagships of our institution were its tall ships, Lwów and Dar Pomorza

Initially following the 2nd World War, training was also carried out on smaller ships,

Janek Krasicki, Zew Morza, and Henryk Rutkowski

Specialist training was carried out on instrument ships Horyzont and Zenit (twin vessels Azymut and Nawigator operated out of Szczecin).

Training in deep-sea angling was carried out on the Jan Turlejski.

The last vessel on the list is a modest steamship, Kopernik, which transported students from the Maritime School in Tczew along the Vistula river to Lwów stationed in Gdańsk.

In the golden era of the development of the Polish merchant fleet, seafarer training was carried out on large training and cargo ships Antoni Garnuszewski (Gdynia) and Kapitan Ledochowski (Szczecin).